Wrinkle Reduction

  • Due to Viora’s advanced CORE technology and the use of RF energy, all skin types can be treated.

  • With the ability to target different depths in the skin, Viora’s RF treatments for tightening and wrinkle reduction can address every facial and body part, including areas traditionally difficult to treat, such as hands, décolleté, and bony areas like the forehead.

  • Treatment sessions range between 10 and 30 minutes. Exact treatment time depends upon the specific application, each individual patient’s condition, and the specific area that is being targeted for treatment.

  • Viora’s contact cooling system provides the most comfortable experiences possible. And with the ability to target different levels of the skin, you’ll never receive more energy than is actually needed.

  • While each person is different, results for Viora’s RF treatments are visible after the first session.

  • Typically the number of treatment sessions range from 3-6 treatments, depending upon the actual application needed, and each patient. Please consult with our practitioner to better understand your individual needs.

  • One maintenance session is generally recommended every 3-6 months, or as required. Your practitioner can advise the best interval time, for your specific needs.

Common Questions About Wrinkle Reduction Treatments